How it works

With over 23 years’ experience in the legal sector, we understand the frustrations experienced by junior lawyers when using existing e-signing tools and have used this experience to shape The Completion App.

Here is a glimpse at some of the features you can enjoy with The Completion App.

Create Pack

Create a new e-signing Pack using our intuitive, streamlined process. Choose between a Simple Pack or Transaction Pack

Team Access

Set up a Group to allow other members of your team to create, amend and complete each others' Packs

Field Hints

Our algorithms automatically scan your documents and suggest the location of fields; saving time and reducing errors

Collaborative approach

Approvers are a great way to involve your counterparts in the signing process. Approvers can check, approve or reject the documents at various stages of the engrossing and signing process

Secure e-signing

Generate legally binding electronic signatures which adhere to the latest regulations and standards

Reliable witnessing

Our unique approach to e-witnessing ensures a more reliable e-witnessing experience, so you can be confident that your documents have been validly witnessed

Easier completion

Sometimes the simplest things can make the biggest difference. We have added Completion Date fields enabling you to complete, and date, multiple documents in a single click

Split exchange and completion

Choose between completing all documents at once or only selected documents, leaving the remaining documents to be completed another time


We've made post-completion easier. We offer the ability to create an electronic completion bible as well as generating various post-completion certificates

Request a demo

Click here to request a demo and we will get in touch to arrange a convenient time to showcase the great features of The Completion App.