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Here are some frequently asked questions to help get you started with The Completion App. If you can't find what you're looking for, use the "Ask a question" icon below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

  • I am not a solicitor. Can I still use The Completion App?

    • The Completion App does not need to be exclusively used by lawyers. Some of the features of The Completion App have designed specifically for solicitors operating in a transactional environment, however when setting up a new Pack the Pack Manager has a choice of two Pack types (Simple Packs and Transaction Packs) and these added features are found mainly in Transaction Packs.

    If you do not need all of the extra features offered by Transaction Packs then we recommend using Simple Packs. See below for more information on the difference between Simple Packs and Transaction Packs.

  • What is a Pack? What is a Pack Manager?

    The “Pack” is the document or bundle of documents that the Pack Manager sends to the recipients to view and sign the documents.

    The “Pack Manager” is the person who controls the Pack (i.e.. sets up the Pack, chooses the documents enclosed within the Pack, adds the recipients and Approvers, makes amendments to the Pack and completes and distributes the documents within the Pack).

    One of the great features of The Completion App is the ability for Packs to be shared with and accessed by other designated team members through the use of Groups. For more information see the answer to “Can I delegate actions within the pack” below.

  • What is the difference between a Simple Pack and a Transaction Pack?

    When setting up a new Pack, the Pack Manager has a choice of two Pack types: Simple Pack and Transaction Pack.

    A Simple Pack does not offer as many features as a Transaction Pack but is designed to enable a Pack to be created and sent quickly and efficiently.

    A Simple Pack does not offer any of the following features, which are available with a Transaction Pack:
    -> third party approvers
    -> field hints
    -> post-completion transaction bibles.

    As such, a Simple Pack is best used for a low number of documents that require relatively few signatures and where there are no third parties (e.g. Solicitors) who require oversight of the e-signing process. In all other cases we recommend using Transaction Packs.

  • Can I try The Completion App before I subscribe?

    Yes, we offer free trials to all new customers. To find out more, request a quote by clicking here.

    We also offer free remote demonstrations. To arrange a demo, please contact us here.

  • How much does it cost?

    For pricing information, please click here.

  • How do I get started?

    After you have requested a quote we will work with you to create a bespoke package, tailored to suit your needs. If you wish to discuss your options further, you can request a call and our team of specialists will work with you to find something that works for you.

    The initial email(s) with the package option(s) will contain a unique link for you to view your package and review our standard terms. You can sign up and commence your subscription through this link.

    After you sign up, unless you tell us otherwise, we will use the email address that you provided for the initial quotation as the dedicated admin user for your organisation. The dedicated admin user will be sent a link to register to The Completion App and, once registered, will, by default, have all user permissions within the app enabled. This means that the admin user will be able to access the admin page and, from there: invite new users, create and manage groups and manage the template messages for the organisation.

    If you have signed up to a subscription plan with a limited number of licences then you will only be able to send invites up to the maximum limit. You can recall and re-allocate invitations if users have not signed up and you can always increase your package at any time.

    If you are an organisation with a large number of licences, where it might not be practical for the dedicated admin user to invite all of the individual users, then we can assist with this during the on-boarding process.

  • Does The Completion App produce signatures which are legally binding in the UK?

    Yes, the Law Commission has confirmed that an electronic signature is capable of being used to execute a document (including a deed) provided that the signatory intends to authenticate a document. There are also a set of regulations setting a framework for electronic signatures in the EU, known as eIDAS. See more on the eIDAS below.

    The Completion App sends a unique link to the recipient’s email address containing the Pack. The Pack Manager may also choose to require the recipient to complete two-factor authentication before the recipient can sign the document(s) in the Pack. The recipient can add their electronic signature and/or complete the two-factor authorisation process from most devices; including smart phones, tablets, laptops and desktop PCs.

    Certain UK authorities, for example HMRC, do not currently accept electronic signatures (or their acceptance is temporary as a result of the Covid pandemic). In addition, some documents cannot be signed electronically (for example, statutory declarations). We recommend that you seek legal advice or satisfy yourself that an electronic signature is appropriate for your specific circumstances.

  • Can I use The Completion App to produce signatures which are legally binding in other jurisdictions?

    At present, The Completion App is suitable for dealing with the execution of documents which submit to jurisdiction of the EU and UK. We recommend you check the requirements for valid electronic signatures before using The Completion App in other jurisdictions.

  • What is two-factor authentication?

    Two-factor authentication is an additional security feature which enables a user to require signatories to enter a code sent to their mobile phone before allowing the signatory to sign the documents in the Pack. We do offer two-factor authentication and the cost of the text messages are charged at standard network rates.

    This feature is mandatory for signatories and witnesses where documents are being sent to the Land Registry for registration (in line with the latest Land Registry requirements) but is an optional feature for signatories and witnesses of other documents.

    In order to meet the requirements of the eIDAS Regulations for a ‘qualifying’ signature, it is necessary to use two-factor authentication for signatories; however, there is no legal requirement to use this feature for a basic or advanced eIDAS compliant signature.

    As mentioned above, some organisations (such as the Land Registry) impose their own conditions around the use of two-factor authentication, so you should check the requirements of any third party agency where the document might need to be sent or registered after completion.

  • What type of documents do I need to upload?

    The Completion App supports documents in PDF, Word and Excel format.

  • What are the eIDAS Regulations and does The Completion App comply with the eIDAS?

    The eIDAS Regulations provide a common regulatory framework to ease electronic transactions between EU member states.

    The Completion App is compliant with the requirements of the eIDAS Regulations in respect of electronic signatures and advanced electronic signatures.

    If two-factor authentication is enabled, The Completion App can produce qualifying electronic signatures

  • Do I need to download an app to use The Completion App on a mobile phone or tablet?

    No, there is no need to download an app. We recognise the importance of clients being able to access and sign documents at the touch of a button so there is no need for you or your clients to download an app or register to the service.

    The Completion App is fully mobile and tablet compatible without needing to download an app, however when setting up a Pack the experience is optimised when the Pack Manager uses a desktop computer or laptop.

  • Can multiple solicitors review documents and/or signatures before a pack is completed?

    Yes, this is one of the unique features of The Completion App. It is possible to send a Transaction Pack to multiple sets of lawyers for approval at certain stages (for example, before the Pack is received by the recipients and/or again after the documents have been signed by all recipients, but before the documents are completed).

    Approvers are a feature of Transaction Packs only. If the “Approver” function is used in this way, the Pack Manager will, when setting up a new Transaction Pack, choose at which stage(s) the approval of any third party is required and the Pack will not be able to proceed past any approval stage(s) without the Approvers in that stage having approved the Pack.

    For example, if the Approvers are added before the signing stage, the documents in the Transaction Pack will be sent to the Approvers before anything is sent to the recipients and the Pack will not be sent to the recipients until the pre-signing Approvers have approved the Pack. If Approvers have been added after the signing stage then, after the documents have been signed by all of the recipients, the Pack Manager will not be able to complete or date the documents without the post-signing Approvers approving the signed documents.

  • Can I delegate actions within the pack?

    Yes, we have designed The Completion App so that you can set up “Groups” and anybody within a Group can carry out the same actions in relation to Packs that have been allocated to that Group as the Pack Manager.

    Your organisation's dedicated admin user will have the ability to control the permissions of each user, including whether they can create, edit or delete Groups.

    If a user deletes a Group then the Packs within that Group will only be visible by, and accessible to, the Pack Manager.

  • Will the Land Registry accept documents signed or witnessed on The Completion App?

    Yes, at the time of writing this, The Completion App allows you to have Packs electronically signed and electronically witnessed in a manner which is compliant with the Land Registry protocol.

    Land Registry guidance can change at any moment, however, so we recommend that you review the latest Land Registry guidance here to satisfy yourself that the Land Registry will accept your e-signed documents.

    Our team of practising lawyers are constantly surveying the market to ensure The Completion App keeps up with the latest developments and we endeavour to update you via our blogs as soon as any changes come to our attention.

  • How can I cancel my membership?

    We offer a no-obligation free trial to all new users. The trial period may vary depending on the package you're interested in. You can cancel for free at any time during your trial period. After this, you will also have a cooling off period of 14 days, during which you can also cancel your membership and you will only be required to pay for services used.

    Beyond this, you should refer to the terms of your services agreement with us which will specify the cancellation policy for your subscription.